Lenten Study Groups

Please join us for a four-week Lenten study beginning the week of February 25. Sign up below to choose your day and location as we engage in the study: Meeting…

Taizé Service of Wholeness and Healing

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Sanctuary

Experience a time to pause and reflect during this busy season. This service is a time to be mindful of the sorrows and challenges also present in our lives and…

Palm Sunday Food & Fellowship

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Fellowhip Hall 323 S. Fairfax St, Alexandria, VA, United States

After worship on Palm Sunday we will offer an expanded coffee hour in Fellowship Hall. Please join us for a light lunch and fellowship on March 24 - nothing fancy…

Maundy Thursday Worship

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Sanctuary

Join us for worship at 7pm. *Childcare is available upon request. Please contact Noelle Castin before March 26 to reserve your space.

Good Friday Worship

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Fellowhip Hall 323 S. Fairfax St, Alexandria, VA, United States

Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death.

John Rutter’s “Requiem”

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Sanctuary

On Good Friday the Meeting House Choir will present John Rutter's "Requiem" which is a musical setting of parts of the Latin Requiem with added psalms and biblical verses in English, completed in 1985.


Easter Sunday Worship

Easter Sunday is the center of the Christian year. On this occasion the church joyfully proclaims the good news that is at the very heart of the gospel: that Jesus…

Eclipse Viewing Party!

Looking for a place to view the solar eclipse? Join us at the Presbyterian Cemetery at 600 Hamilton Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314. Dave Heiby, Superintendent, will be on hand to…

Affordable Housing Can’t Wait!

Stand up for Housing Justice at VOICE's April 11 Budget Accountability Action! VOICE needs you to stand up for affordable housing before City Council makes its final vote on the…