Make a Pledge

“Behold, I will do something new"

Isaiah 43:19

Join us and see how God can use you to change the world.


An invitation from
Rev. Shelly Wood

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

For over two-hundred and fifty years, our Meeting House family has remained humbly committed to living the way of Jesus—his love, compassion, and sacrificial service.

Please consider making a pledge this year to help us plan and continue our ministry.

Generosity extends beyond financial giving. It’s about recognizing God’s total ownership of everything we have. In our financial offerings, our service with local mission partners, our hospitality to friends and strangers, and our work, our actions show commitment to our mission: Leading people to become faithful followers of Jesus Christ together in God’s world.

Join us for Celebration and Commitment Sunday on November 10, 2024, followed by a celebration brunch.

With gratitude, grace, and peace,

Rev. Shelly Wood

Rev. Dr. Shelly Wood

Why We Give

Hear Dave H's story of how the Old Presbyterian Meeting House literally saved his life as a young boy.

"Shortly after I turned four years old, I was dropped off at the Presbyterian Orphanage in Lynchburg, Virginia. I weighed only 19 pounds... Without intervention, I wouldn't have survived."

The Meeting House changes lives!

Ready to make a pledge?

Fill out an online pledge card today.


Ready to make a pledge?

Fill out an online pledge card today.

Ways to Give

Once you have made a pledge, see below for ways to give.

If you have a question or would like to learn more about opportunities to give, email or call (703) 549-6670.

Need help?

Contact the Finance Office for any questions at 703.549.6670 or fill out the form here.
