
Easter Sunday Worship

Easter Sunday is the center of the Christian year. On this occasion the church joyfully proclaims the good news that is at the very heart of the gospel: that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. He is risen! He is risen indeed! All are welcome to worship at the Meeting House at 9:00 AM…

Spiritual Landscape Series-Designing the Spiritual Landscape

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Heritage Hall

"We are surrounded by a world that talks, but we don't listen. We are part of a community engaged in a vast conversation, but we deny our role in it." Rev. Belden C. Lane, The Great Conversation: Nature and the Care of the Soul. This Adult Education series explores transcendent, passionate experience that is elicited…

Eclipse Viewing Party!

Looking for a place to view the solar eclipse? Join us at the Presbyterian Cemetery at 600 Hamilton Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314. Dave Heiby, Superintendent, will be on hand to host. Bring your chair, a snack and your own viewing glasses. No reservation needed. Just come out and enjoy some friends and fresh air...and the…

Affordable Housing Can’t Wait!

Stand up for Housing Justice at VOICE's April 11 Budget Accountability Action! VOICE needs you to stand up for affordable housing before City Council makes its final vote on the FY 2025 Budget! The proposed budget leaves two affordable housing projects that have been approved for years unfunded, which leaves the projects and the Alexandrians…

Spiritual Landscape Series-Virginia Landscapes and the English Sublime

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Heritage Hall

"We are surrounded by a world that talks, but we don't listen. We are part of a community engaged in a vast conversation, but we deny our role in it." Rev. Belden C. Lane, The Great Conversation: Nature and the Care of the Soul. This Adult Education series explores transcendent, passionate experience that is elicited…

Meeting House Tours

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Sanctuary

The Meeting House will be open for tours in conjunction with Historic Garden Week in Alexandria. If you are out and about, stop by for some stories of our history and find out what is happening today.  

Spiritual Landscape Series-Worldwide Spiritual Landscapes: Ancient, Pre-Columbian, Japanese, Imaginary

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Heritage Hall

"We are surrounded by a world that talks, but we don't listen. We are part of a community engaged in a vast conversation, but we deny our role in it." Rev. Belden C. Lane, The Great Conversation: Nature and the Care of the Soul. This Adult Education series explores transcendent, passionate experience that is elicited…

Spiritual Landscape Series-Christian Landscapes

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Heritage Hall

"We are surrounded by a world that talks, but we don't listen. We are part of a community engaged in a vast conversation, but we deny our role in it." Rev. Belden C. Lane, The Great Conversation: Nature and the Care of the Soul. This Adult Education series explores transcendent, passionate experience that is elicited…

Faith and Social Engagement

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Heritage Hall

Zaccheaus Katta, our Sengel Scholar from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond will help us explore "Faith and Social Engagement" as we hear about the work he will be doing after seminary. The Meeting House Scholarship Committee monitors the Sengel Scholar programs established with Yale Divinity School and Union Theological Seminary, in support of post-graduate studies…

Discover the Heart of Giving

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Heritage Hall

Join our Service and Justice Ministry for an enlightening adult education lesson where we will explore the inspiring world of Meeting House missions. Learn more about our initiatives like Family to Family, Open Table, and the Dismantling Racism Team, as well as how we support other important causes such as the Alexandria Tutoring Consortium, VOICE,…

Poulenc’s “Gloria” and music of Lili Boulanger

Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Sanctuary

Join us on May 19 at 3:00 PM for our final Concert With A Cause for the season! This FREE concert is presented by the Festival Choir and Orchestra and led by music director Dr. Steven Seigart. First on the program will be Francis Poulenc's expansive Gloria, an energetic and playful masterwork commissioned by the…

Memorial Day Ceremony


All are invited to join the ceremony to be conducted at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution in our churchyard burial ground on Memorial Day, Monday, 27 May. It will be led by reenactors from the First Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line and members of the Knights of Columbus from…